Friday, December 28, 2007

Come on and smile.. You’re in Jamaica

On a really bright note, I’m in Jamaica with my three brothers and family. I just met Meaghan – my three year old cousin. She is ridiculously cute and so alive (Q. of the day - Would you like some popcornS?).

For a few days, I can seriously forget the world around me. Surrounded by beautiful people and things, it is easy to be happy and grateful. I can live and act as I want to. There is no tension, no stress, no regrets.

Bringing in the New Years is going to be special – there will be joy, tears. All will be perfect in the world, even if only for a few magical hours. I’ll be whole- there’ll be hope. I will see each of the 525,600 minutes and life will be full of promise.
I can’t find the right words.. but

For those who carried me, when I could not walk. For those who helped remind me who I am when I could not remember, I will always be grateful.

2008 – Keep it simple.

Goodbye 2007

They can’t keep a good man down.. Always keep a smile when the y want me u to frown. Keep the vibes and I stood my ground. They will never ever take my crown.
But I’m so solid as a rock.. they just can’t stop me now

A friend remarked today how fast the year went. All 525,600 minutes for you rent fans. I think people say that every year – or I guess there is always more we want to do, things we wished we could do again – or do differently.

I can’t say I am not unhappy to make 2007 history. This has been one of my hardest year. I have been my happiest and saddest. Gained a lot and lost a lot. Found new people, lost people. There were times when I pushed away everyone I care about in my life. It was a growing up experience – sometimes you need to lose everything around you so you can see who you are as a person.

Dust to dust. A whole year has past – it’s December, and I am not sure what I would say I achieved for the year. No accolades in 2007. I didn’t too particularly well in school, sports.. no? No wife.. no baby.. nothing really stands out. I made friends – lost friends – almost lost friends - good times - bad relationships. I mismanaged a lot of thing in my life. It was complicated. I was depressed. I loved, I hated. No offence – but good riddance 2k7.

I approached last year with real hope and anticipation. I was on the verge of graduating (I’m in the same position now), and I saw the coming semester as really a watershed moment. The events and actions of the coming months would really define my life and myself. What now? Am I living in mediocrity and am I by extension a mediocre person?

My new focus is not on actions – or deliverables – just on within. I am 22 years old. I know who I want to be – or more who I don’t want to be. My focus is choice – not chance. My choice is to make life simple. I have not been able to choose my circumstances or situations. I know what I want my response to be. Constancy of purpose – I am what I am. Let me live right and not worry about anything or anyone else. I am not sure where I will be in a few months – but I need to be able to be happy with myself. There were times this year I could not say that. I want a legacy of self – Jarryd is Jarryd.

I am greeting 2008 with a quiet optimism – I see beautiful people and opportunities. I am at peace. I hope to bring and experience happiness. I expect nothing, but promise my best.

Everything is going to be alright. No need to press the panic button.


Everyone does it. I love to debate ( I’m a master-debater) .. but seriously, I love stupid fights.

I hate people that argue stupidly as well. Fighting with the female speices, not flirty fighting - sucks most of all. (Brain ninjas)

A few interesting points (and I will borrow heavily from Wikipedia):

1. Correlation does not imply causation
Sleeping with one's shoes on is strongly correlated with waking up with a headache.
Therefore, sleeping with one's shoes on causes headache.

2. Non sequitur

1. If A is true, then B is true.
2. B is stated to be true.
3. Therefore, A must be true.

1. If I am a human (A) then I am a mammal. (B)
2. I am a mammal. (B)
3. Therefore, I am a human. (A)

3. Female argument aka Irrelevant Conclusion (also called Ignoratio Elenchi)--diverts attention away from a fact in dispute rather than address it directly. This is sometimes referred to as a "red herring". Subsets include:

1. Purely personal considerations (argumentum ad hominem),
2. popular sentiment (argumentum ad populum--appeal to the majority),
3. fear (argumentum ad baculum),
4. conventional propriety (argumentum ad verecundiam)
5. Fallacy of the Consequent--draws a conclusion from premises that do not support that conclusion (e.g., If I have the flu, then I have a sore throat. I have a sore throat. Therefore, I have the flu. Other illnesses may cause sore throat.)
6.Begging the question (also called Petitio Principii, Circulus in Probando--arguing in a circle, or assuming the answer)--demonstrates a conclusion by means of premises that assume that conclusion (e.g., We must institute the death penalty to discourage violent crime. This statement assumes the violent crime rate will fall when the death penalty is imposed.)

1. Define your terms.
2. Avoid nothing fights.
3. Let her win.

The right thing in the wrong way

"If carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be real fucked up"

I don’t think the above exists. There is right and there is wrong.

I think morality is strictly personal. I don’t think people are inherently good. Maybe people are inherently moral – but my good is not necessarily yours.

I recently had an interesting conversation about what “right” means. Most of all, it helped me, an irreligious person, put my feelings together in a logical manner. I think morality and religion are very separate. A long time ago, an ex-girlfriend once told me there was no such thing as a selfless act (I can’t decide what this says about me .. but give me a chance :) .

Many years later I think she’s right, but probably not in the sense she thought.

I love logic – and I believe as an intelligent, cognizant being, we inherently act for the betterment of our selves. I cannot think of any other explanation. Even the selflessness religion promotes guarantees the good deed doer a place in heaven. At the end of the day, we must find a personal validation in our actions. It is part of being human.

Now one could interpret everything above in a very depressing and pessimistic light. People are selfish – Jarryd sucks. But give me a chance (ladies!). Let me talk about my own personal experience – my morality. I do what makes me happy. After thinking about it a lot, what makes me happy is me interacting positively with everyone around.

If I do something to hurt someone I care about, if my actions are incongruent with my feelings and loyalties – I am unhappy. This is how I define wrong. In this way, to be selfless can be right - I am happier and more at peace with myself.

If I can see right or wrong as my own personal boundaries for my long term happiness – and stick to it, I am a much happier person. It’s almost 2008. I have made a lot of dumb short term decisions. I think at the end of the day, the framework we set up for ourselves really defines who we are. I would much prefer someone have different morals than relative morals. At the end of the day, if you don’t have an identity – you’re nobody.

This post is pretty convoluted. Don’t stop reading – I’ll get better. Carrots don't get you drunk. But maybe I would like carrot cake more.

Church scandal

This is pretty late but let me drop my 2 cents in the basket

1. One of the dumbest arguments I have heard is any attempt to relate child abuse to priests being able to marry. Period. (Ignoratio Elenchi)

2. There have been a lot of payouts made by the church to victims – I have read infinite amounts about this but not about priests being jailed. This is so fundamentally wrong for me – and a damnation on the justice system in general. How are these payouts not shameful in their own right? Money should not be able to buy justice. It should not bring peace and closure. It is not retribution.

After all is said and done, I seriously do not understand why things like evolution and gay marriage are issues in contemporary Western society.

During the US presidential debate, one of the questions was whether the candidates believed every word of the Bible. Hold on..isn’t there a problem here. What if the question was about the Qu’ran? Let’s throw out the theocracy and be a little more open minded.

“I fear, the triumph will not be for free thought, because the masses dislike reason, and its teachings are only understood by some intelligences of the elite, and because, also, science, however beautiful it is, does not completely satisfy humanity, which thirsts for the ideal, and which likes to exist in dark and distant regions that the philosophers and scholars can neither perceive nor explore.”

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cheapness, meekness and weakness

I think stinginess in a person is my biggest turn off.

(This does not mean generosity is my biggest turn on)

I think this is largely a cultural thing for me - but I hate when people are not generous with what they have.

A couple of points to this:

1. As a child, it was important to share 'snacks'. Not only because I was told to do so, but if you shared your snacks - the day you got the granola bar you hated, surely someone would share their deliciousness with you.

2. The thing with sharing, if everyone does it - it works out completely fairly in the end. Case in point - if everyone in a group buys a round of drinks - it more or less will work out the same as if everyone made individual purchases (I am assuming drinks are similarly priced).

3. I just feel like the former option is nicer between friends. It is nice when someone does something for you. I hate splitting bills to the last dollar. It just puts a damper on things. If everyone takes the hit at a different time it is fair.

Most material things we have are really not that important. My brother coined the term "Christmas gift syndome" - I guess I would want to play with my toy only when he wanted to use it. Yeah, I'm not perfect. Me and my brother were also ridiculously competitive growing up.

Stuff is just stuff. You never miss what you share.

I make it a point never ask for money owed. Maybe become I am a non-confrontational pushover. I honestly would not run down a friend for the $5 from two weeks ago so you could get your allegros pizza. I would feel like a moron. If I am really bothered I would just modify my actions in the future. Meekness does not equal weakness. I hate fighting - especially about stupid shit.

Sesame Street take home message:
Sharing is caring. You never miss the last bite of something.


This woman was walking along and saw a snake on the ground. She thought it looked beautiful and wanted to pick it up and pet it, but she knew that she shouldn't, because snakes bite when you pick them up. So she asked the snake, "If I pick you up, will you bite me?"The snake responded, "No, of course not."Still unsure, she asked, "But you are a snake. Don't all snakes bite?"The snake responded, "Yes, but not me. I'm different."Convinced by his words, she picked him up, petted him, and he bit her. She screamed in pain as she dropped him, "WHY DID YOU BITE ME? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!"To which the snake calmly responded, "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up bitch, what did you expect?"

Please note, one time a girl asked me to tell her a bedtime story.

Like milk in anchorman, this is a bad choice.

Loyalty and Faith

So I hate faith but I cherish loyalty

Does that make a lick of sense? (That is a great expression.. I know)

Let's wikipedia it:

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1, New International Version).
Faith can mean
1. To trust
2. To believe without reason

Faith is based upon the interpretation of the intangible (feelings, emotions, etc.) instead of the physically tangible


Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person or cause.

Plato said that only a man who is just can be loyal.

The philosopher Josiah Royce said it was the supreme moral good, and that one's devotion to an object mattered more than the merits of the object itself.

So the two seem somewhat interrelated. Is there a difference? I think it is the religious context of faith that has soured the word to me.

The notion that one should ignore all rationality and blindly follow a religion seriously disturbs me. There is no challenging faith - relgions thrive because of it. Faith for me insults our intellect - we fail to think. It is formula for hurt. I think I have problems with letting someone else decide my morality.

Let's consider loyalty. There are some intangibles to that. I would say trust is one of those. I guess the whole idea of trust is pretty irrational. You are allowing someone else to take control.

Now I said loyalty is really important to me. Recently, I went through a hard time and did not speak to someone I love very much. I ignored their calls. When I finally contacted the person, the first thing she said was that I was behaving as if I did not have a __________ (insert friend, sister, mother, daughter).

That really struck me. I have no idea what life is about but I have yet to meet the person who did not see some kind of value to friends ands family. Our life is really made up of relationships, and it is for this reasons loyalty is so important to me. Even if I make this mistake of getting betrayed or hurt, I think it is more important to be open to good things in people.

So I try to be faithful to my friends. Maybe even condone behavior that I see as negative. I couldn't testify against my family. I would willingly sacrifice for my friends and family. It is just that important to me. Loyalty is not rational.

Now that does not mean that one should be completely blinded to reality. See the story of the snake. We still choose our relationships, and everything has a limit.

I guess if I can be somewhat stupidly loyal to people, I shouldn't judge people who are somewhat stupidly loyal to religion. It is all comes down to what you believe in.

Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island.. Peninsula maybe

Santa baby

Dear Santa,

I am have tried my best to be good this year. All I ask for this year, is a companion of the female persuasion. Someone funny, silly, generous, genuine and humble. I am looking for the exception. Someone non-judgemental. She should be a thinker, but not take herself too seriously. Preferably, she should look like any one of the Victoria Secrets Models.

I have a few more conditions:

She thinks I am funny and loves (or will tolerate) my love of sports.

As a child she loved Galaxy Rangers or has seen the G.I. Joe Movie - or can pretend to be interested in either.

She thinks Dane Cook and Mitch Hedberg are hilarious.

She thinks Caribbean accents are really cool.

She has a PS3.

She loves babies and puppies.

She loves to cook... naked.

She's a cuddler

She would only leave me for Will Ferrel or Chuck Norris.

No.. not really?


Thanks for coming out.


Ok seriously.. this is the coolest cartoon opening of all time:

Galaxy Rangers


Drugs are controversial.

As with most emotive topics however, hysteria and misconceptions tend to blot out any sort of meaningful discussion. Let me preface what I have to say with two interesting points :

1. According to a study the BBC reported on, ranking drugs in terms of

Physical harm (Acute, Chronic, and Intravenous harm)
Dependence (Intensity of pleasure, Psychological dependence, Physical dependence)
Social harms (Intoxication, Other social harms, Health-care costs)

Alcohol and tobacco were ranked to be more harmful than cannabis in all three categories.
List of dangerous drugs

2. Steroids have become hugely controversial of late. The following is taking from wikipedia:
One common misconception in popular culture and the media is that anabolic steroids are highly dangerous and users' mortality rates are high. Anabolic steroids are used widely in medicine with an acceptable side-effect profile, so long as patients are monitored for possible complications. (

Ok then. What's my point?

Firstly, I want to say that I am not an advocate of breaking rules or laws. My discussion is in the reasoning behind them and the accompanying societal phobia.

I think drugs are all around us - legal and illegal. Caffiene is a stimulant, as is adderall. Is the man who goes to drink after a hard day at work fundamentally different and better than the one who smokes a joint?

They are different in terms of one is breaking the law and the other isn't. They aren't in terms of what they are doing and its effect on themselves.

I think it is important to realise that the labels we place on things are often a function of society and its perceptions. This is not a reflection of actuality. Drugs can be psychologically and physically addictive, and while I am a big advocate of self determinism, rules are important.

Knowledge is good though, and people should question and challenge the status quo.

A last word:

If you are from Trinidad, you are probably hungry right now looking at the delicious pelau to the left.

To quote someone from a football (soccer) messages board I frequent:

"Some of you like to put on a pair of brown sun glasses, eat a pot of white rice, and say the pelau tasting real good" - Touches

Everything is not as it seems.

Life is change

Change is good

Life is good

Friday, December 7, 2007

The best revenge is in living well

“And it isn’t anyone’s fault I made the decisions I made, this is the life I chose or rather the life that chose me. If you can’t respect that, your whole perspective is whack – may be you love me when I fade to black…”

It’s really easy to go from hero to zero. It’s even harder when there is no light at the end of the tunnel. X is unhappy and hurt by the people around him. There is a party going on and you are not invited. There is no one for you to confide in. No one sees what you see, knows what you know. X is not perfect, has made mistakes – but his intentions were good. His heart was big. Now he is alone, and his cries are unanswered.
Memory and a conscience are really burdensome. How nice would it be to forget and move on? To not be affected by the hypocrisy and failings of the world around you? There is no one to share your grief – when you cannot be happy, must the world do the same? Should others bear your burden? They don’t. Nobody can. You have to allow others to find their own happiness, even if it is as your expense.
Despair changes a person. You become bitter and desperate. You abandon the principles that hold you together. It is hard to not been drawn into pettiness. It is hard not to fight and to hurt, to force others to see what you see, to know what you know. Why not?

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you”

Nietzsche was right. When you abandon that which defines you, the very core of what made you feel hurt in the beginning, you become a monster. Misery loves company but that high quickly fades. Unhappiness cannot breed happiness. The ends never define the means
And that’s the bottom line. Sometimes you must suffer and die, so one day you can live again. Sometimes it is better to not speak, not to fight. Forget karma, forget what goes around comes around. This is personal. You can’t find healing in the world around you, only in yourself. Life’s a bitch.

“Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn't.” - Nietzsche

Jar “the bad apple”


“Perception is an active construction of the mind, rather than rather than a valid representation of objective reality.”

I think that perception is more important than reality. I once read a theory, that people’s behavior is based upon perception rather than reality. Let’s consider this – if people perceive an event as occurring, they will behave as if it actually did.

This is fascinating for me, and really puts positive (and negative) thinking in a whole new light. Your frame of mind and focus, limits and frames your success.

On another note

I think I am much better talking to girls when drinking. I’m confident, smooth, funny – not like my usually weird funny – I’m not the only one laughing this time. But maybe, I think I am better at talking to girls because I am drinking. But me perceiving I am better with girls, empowers me to behave as if I am, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Want to have a drink?

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.

When you don't have love, it's like there's a party going on, and everybody was invited, except for you. And you just happened to be walking by that house in the rain... (sigh) "I wasn't invited to this party." But then, once you're IN love, that's like being inside that party, going "Where's my jacket? I wanna get outta here. where's my jacket? I been to this party six years and I wanna see other parties! Where's my jacket. Someone shit on the coats. I think someone shit on, about, or around the coats."
Dane Cook

Girls.. wow, what a strange and wondrous species

I have so much to say but based on my track record, you probably shouldn’t listen to any of it.
1. The game is real. Every guy knows it, every girl won’t admit it. At some point you wish the tired formula, the fakeness didn’t exist – and you could find a beautiful girl who would just love you as you are. Yes – clearly I am very single.

2. Speaking of bars - Sheer ratio wise, girls have it made. Thankfully they don’t know it.

3. A friend once told me, he wouldn’t like any girl he would meet at a bar. I see a lot of truth and good behind such a comment - even if it is doused in haterade... hahaha

Nobody wants a nice guy

Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanks for coming out

They say it is about the journey and not the destination, right?

What if you don't know where you are going?

Effort is definitely not achievement.

I need direction.