Friday, December 28, 2007

The right thing in the wrong way

"If carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be real fucked up"

I don’t think the above exists. There is right and there is wrong.

I think morality is strictly personal. I don’t think people are inherently good. Maybe people are inherently moral – but my good is not necessarily yours.

I recently had an interesting conversation about what “right” means. Most of all, it helped me, an irreligious person, put my feelings together in a logical manner. I think morality and religion are very separate. A long time ago, an ex-girlfriend once told me there was no such thing as a selfless act (I can’t decide what this says about me .. but give me a chance :) .

Many years later I think she’s right, but probably not in the sense she thought.

I love logic – and I believe as an intelligent, cognizant being, we inherently act for the betterment of our selves. I cannot think of any other explanation. Even the selflessness religion promotes guarantees the good deed doer a place in heaven. At the end of the day, we must find a personal validation in our actions. It is part of being human.

Now one could interpret everything above in a very depressing and pessimistic light. People are selfish – Jarryd sucks. But give me a chance (ladies!). Let me talk about my own personal experience – my morality. I do what makes me happy. After thinking about it a lot, what makes me happy is me interacting positively with everyone around.

If I do something to hurt someone I care about, if my actions are incongruent with my feelings and loyalties – I am unhappy. This is how I define wrong. In this way, to be selfless can be right - I am happier and more at peace with myself.

If I can see right or wrong as my own personal boundaries for my long term happiness – and stick to it, I am a much happier person. It’s almost 2008. I have made a lot of dumb short term decisions. I think at the end of the day, the framework we set up for ourselves really defines who we are. I would much prefer someone have different morals than relative morals. At the end of the day, if you don’t have an identity – you’re nobody.

This post is pretty convoluted. Don’t stop reading – I’ll get better. Carrots don't get you drunk. But maybe I would like carrot cake more.

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